The Third
International Congress on the Phenomenological Aspects
of Civil Engineering PACE-2026 |
Phenomenological Aspects of Civil Engineering PACE-2026 |
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No matter pandemic,
no matter distance, let's meet at the highway of knowledge, within the torch
of science… |
Extended Abstract/Full Text
Submission Deadline 15 June 2026 |
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Congress Chairman Prof. Dr. Abdulkadir Cüneyt AYDIN Ataturk University, Engineering Faculty, Department of Civil Engineering, 25030, Erzurum, TURKEY Scientific Committee Abbas
HEYDARI, Sharif University of Technology, IRAN Abdelhafid KHELIDJ, Nantes University, FRANCE Abdullah
DİLSİZ, Yıldırım Beyazıt University, TURKEY Adem DOGANGUN, Uludag University, TURKEY Ahmet
Can ALTUNIŞIK, Karadeniz Technical University,
TURKEY Arvin FARID, Boise State University, USA Ayfer
DÖNMEZ ÇAVDAR Karadeniz Technical University,
S. MOSALLAM, University of California,
USA Aynur
KAZAZ, Akdeniz University, TURKEY Ayse DALOGLU,
Karadeniz Technical University, TURKEY Badee ALSHAMERİ, National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST),
ÖZTÜRK, Hacettepe University, TURKEY Beyhan
BAYHAN, Bursa Technical University, TURKEY Çağla
Meral AKGÜL, Middle East Technical University, TURKEY Erfan NAJAF, Islamic Azad University,
South Tehran Branch, Tehran, IRAN Esra
Mete GÜNEYİSİ, Gaziantep University, TURKEY Fatih
ÇELİK, Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University, TURKEY Fauzan Mohd.
JAKARNİ, University Putra
Malaysia, MALAYSIA Gökhan
ÖZDEMİR, Eskişehir Technical University, TURKEY Hossain SHOWKATI, Urmia University, IRAN Ilker Bekir TOPCU,
Osmangazi University, TURKEY Halit
YAZICI, Dokuz Eylul University,
TURKEY Hatem A. Abou-SENNA, University of
Central Florida, USA Helmi Zulhaidi Mohd SHAFRI, Universiti Putra, MALAYSIA Izzet Ufuk CAGDAS,
Akdeniz University, TURKEY Jelena BLEIZIFFER, University of Zagreb, CROTIA Jian JIANG, China University of Mining and Technology, CHINA Kadir
GÜLER, İstanbul Technical University, TURKEY Kemal
BEYEN, Kocaeli University, TURKEY Le Hoang AN, Ton Duc Thang University, VIETNAM Mahmut
FIRAT, Inonu University,
TURKEY Marko SERAFIMOV, Methodius University,
İNAN, Oregon University, USA Merve
MAALI, Erzurum Technical University, TURKEY Mohamed MOULI, ENSET,
ALGERIA Mohammad Arif KAMAL Aligarh Muslim University, INDIA Mojtaba B. SİRJANİ,
Norfolk State University,
USA Naimul HAQUE, East
West University, BANGLADESH Nasr-Eddine
BOUHAMOU, University Center Nour
Bachir of El-Bayadh,
ALGERİA Osman Hamdy OSMAN, Zagazig University, EGYPT Saaid ZAKI, Institute of Nano Technology, EGYPT Said
KENAI, University of Blidal, ALGERIA Sakir ERDOGDU,
Karadeniz Technical University, TURKEY Sinan
SEZEK, Ataturk
University, TURKEY Slimane MERDACI, Liabes Djillali University, ALGERIA Sogol FALLAH, University College of
Dublin, IRELAND Suada DZEBO, University of Sarajevo,
Karadeniz Technical University, TURKEY Suman SAHA,
National Institute of Technology Durgapur, INDIA Şemsi
YAZICI, Ege University, TURKEY Tanay
KARADEMİR, Istanbul Bilgi University, Turkey, Tayfun
UYGUNOGLU, Afyon Kocatepe University, TURKEY Xintao LIU, Hong
Kong Polytechnic University,
HONG KONG Vahid JAHANGIRI, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, IRAN Yao YU, North
Dakota State University,
USA Yusuf
AYVAZ, Yildiz Technical University, TURKEY Congress Secretary Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gökhan KAPLAN, Ataturk University, TURKEY |
Congress 20-23 June 2026 Extended Abstract/Full Text Submission Deadline 15 June 2026 Notification of Acceptance 17 June 2026 Announcement of Congress Program 18 June 2026 Publication of the Congress Book 15 July 2026 Organizing Committee Prof. Dr. Abdulkadir KAN,
Ataturk University, TURKEY Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gökhan KAPLAN, Ataturk University, TURKEY Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mahyar MAALI, Erzurum Technical University, TURKEY Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mahmut KILIÇ, Ataturk University, TURKEY Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ali ÖZ,
Ataturk University, TURKEY Assist. Prof. Dr. Barış Bayrak, Kafkas University, TURKEY Assist. Prof. Dr. Haluk Görkem Alcan, Kafkas
University, TURKEY Assist. Prof. Dr. Oğuzhan Çelebi Staff Ph.D. Candidate Aysan ARDALANI Ph.D. Candidate Oğuzhan AKARSU Ph.D. Candidate Oğuzhan UĞURLU Ph.D. Candidate Atakan YILDIRIM Invitation Letter Dear Colleagues and friends We wish you and
all loved ones healthy, peaceful and safe future during these pandemic
times. In this process, as the scientists, rapidly adapted to new
methods while continuing the educational activity, we continued to produce
information for humanity and seek solutions for the relevant problems. The
congress aims to share your valuable works, to receive feedback, to observe
what is going on in your field and related disciplines, to collaborate with
colleagues from different parts of the world, and to sail the new horizons.
The congress will also provide an environment suitable for learning and motivation. The Third International Congress on Phenomenological
Aspects in Civil Engineering (PACE-2025) will be held ONLINE and
organized on 20-23 June 2025. The congress will
include all areas of Civil Engineering, including Earthquake
Engineering. Languages of the congress is English. The organization
committee gives priority to young researchers and encourages English
presentation. Participants can participate in PACE-2026 with
online oral presentations. The congress is designed Online for widest audience. Abstracts and
full-texts will be evaluated peer-review, and accepted after a positive
report of referees, through online system of the congress. ( Accepted
and presented full-text papers will be published in the congress
proceedings as online e-book and pdf, prepared within 2 weeks after the
congress. Withal, selected papers could be published in one of our
journals "Journal of Civil Engineering Beyond Limits-CEBEL" and
“Brilliant Engineering Journal-BEN”
after performing the journal's processes. (These journals but not
the least.) It is an honor
for us to invite you to the unique international platform of the Phenomenological
Aspects in Civil Engineering (PACE-2026) which
brings civil engineers, structural engineers, earthquake engineers, and
representatives of related sectors and students together. We look forward to
meeting with you at the PACE-2026. Respectfully, Chairman |
Application Steps
Submit your
manuscript through Online
System until 15
May 2025. (You have to select the
congress name (Phenomenological Aspects in Civil Engineering
Congress from the pulldown menu), as word file 2.
If your manuscript
is accepted, you will be informed. 3.
You can make your
payment through the online system after acceptance of your paper. The registration
fee is 100 USD up to three papers by
same author for international participants (100 USD up to two papers by same author participants from TÜRKİYE). No
fee for listeners. 4.
Your abstract
should be in the range of 200-300 words. 5.
There must be at least
3 keywords. 6.
Under the title,
authors' Title, Name, Surname, University, ORCID number, Email addresses
should be written 7.
The manuscript has
to be at least 4 pages 8.
Similarity rate of
your full text should be below 20%. 9.
Your full paper
should be written as the Manuscript
Template. E-mail: Presentations 1.
The keynotes have 30 minutes for their presentation and 10 minutes for
questioning. 2.
The other authors will have 15 minutes for their presentations and 5
minutes for questioning. 3.
The Breakout Rooms will be the keep in touch place for the congress. |
presentations will be programmed according to relevant time zone for the
applicants. |
The listed times
are for Turkey Local Time (GMT+3) For Ex: The North America Central Time Zone
(GMT-5) is 8 hours earlier. Malaysia Local Time (GMT+8) is 5 hours ahead. |
No matter pandemic, no matter distance, let's
meet at the highway of knowledge, within the torch of science. |
by Academy & ACA Publishing Contact |